The Clear Skin Diet

Clear Skin Diet

We all know that diet affects our body’s overall health, but does the food we eat also impact our skin’s health and vitality? Winter can affect the overall wellbeing of our skin, by adding vegetables to our diet, especially in the winter season, it can help boost our skin radiance.

Here’s a look at a number of foods that may help nourish skin, keeping it healthy and radiant, as recently reported on MedicalNewsToday, an online resource for health news and information.


Creamy and green, avocados are rich in healthful fats and vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that supports and protects skin health. Avocados also contain compounds like lutein, which helps protect skin from UV and radiation damage.


Cold-water fatty fish like herring, sardines and salmon are abundant sources of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. Research indicates that a diet high in omega-3’s may help reduce inflammation and make skin less reactive to UV rays.


This popular tree nut affords the same benefits as fatty fish, having one of the highest levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Other skin-friendly nuts and seeds include almonds, flax seeds and sunflower seeds.


Rich in antioxidants called catechins, which boost blood flow to the skin, green tea may help skin cells retain their health. According to one study, participants who drank green tea regularly for 12 weeks demonstrated improved skin health, including better elasticity, less roughness, reducing scaling, improved skin density and a more healthful amount of water in skin. The antioxidants in green tea may also help protect the skin from harmful UV radiation.


Not just any chocolate bar will do. Research reveals that high-quality chocolate containing a high amount of cocoa is packed with protective antioxidants and has an anti-inflammatory effect on skin.


A diet rich in olive oil may reduce the effect of photoaging on facial skin. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and other compounds which may help protect against dryness and damage from free radicals.

Here’s to a healthier happy winter!

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